Like Proust, Gérard Pesson constantly invents worlds – sparkling and virtuoso sound worlds, yes, but also story worlds, since he is always writing pieces that are portraits of those around him. Gérard Pesson likes people who listen to him and he confides in them with his music.

Saturday 20 March – 2.30pm – Musée océanographique
Stravinskiana I-II-III,

Daniel Hood, piano
Gym à la noix
Alicia Goncalves, piano
Sans vent
Alicia Goncalves
et Daniel Hood pianos
(students from the Beausoleil music school)

Sunday 4 April – 2.30pm – Opéra Garnier
Paul Salard, piano
La lumière n’a pas de bras pour nous porter pour piano amplifié
Albertine Monnet, piano
(students from the regional conservatory of Nice)

Origami Chopin
Jeux d’os aux capucins
Lily Malivel, piano
Speech of clouds
Stella Almondo, piano
(students from the regional conservatory of Nice)

Sunday 11 April – 3pm – Auditorium Rainier III
Bazoumana yo
Ed Precious, piano
Trois mains vertes sur de vieux airs
Elisa Ardrizzi, piano
(students from the Beausoleil music school)
Le diable dans le beffroi
Vinteuil: une page retrouvée
Allan d’Orlan de Polignac, piano
(students from the regional conservatory of Nice)

With the support of the SO.GE.DA.

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